
Gartner hype cycle 2015 big data
Gartner hype cycle 2015 big data

While some of the technologies may prove successful, others may just be failures. This over-enthusiasm is created by the company with the help of media channels like newspapers, ads, magazines, social media, etc.

  • Peak of inflated expectations – This is the next stage in the Hype Cycle and is a stage that is associated with over-enthusiasm about the new technology.
  • All technology makers are using methods like media and social media to raise awareness of their product in order to attract maximum consumers or businesses towards it. At this stage, the technology creators may try to publicize the technology as much as possible but in most of the cases, the creation may not prove commercially viable or practical. may take place in order to trigger the technology and bring it to the notice of the public or the target audience. Events like a product launch, press meet, public demonstration, etc.
  • Technology trigger – Technology Trigger is the first stage in the emergence of a new technology and is a stage in which a potential technology gets a breakthrough or kicks off.
  • gartner hype cycle 2015 big data

    In total, there are 5 distinct stages or categories that occur as far as the rise and emergence of a new piece of technology are concerned. It is still not fair to point out which one will remain up and which will move down the curve. If you consider the year 2014, the technology that is at the peak of Hype Cycles is ‘Internet of Things’ and the technology at the bottom is ‘White Cloud Computing’. But it is also interesting to note that the technology of Tablets was at the bottom at that time, but it has now emerged to be very useful all over the world. Now a decade later, BPM has most certainly lived up to the Hype. As an effective example, in the year 2005, a technology called Business Process Management or BPM suites was at the top of the Hype Cycle which means that its hype at that time was at the highest. If we now go back and see the growth of old technologies, we will be able to observe and validate the curves and arches in the graphical representation.

    gartner hype cycle 2015 big data

    For several years of trying to bring this technology into the industry view, the organization began to use Hype Cycle charts of new and budding technologies. The concept of Hype Cycle was introduced by an analyst called Jackie Fenn in the year 1995. It is important to understand that products, vendors, good technologies and average technologies work all go through the cycle together and as a new technology reaches its peak, the older one may slide down the curve and so on. If a certain technology is at the bottom of a Hype Cycle, then this doesn’t necessarily say that the technology is not good. While using this graphical representation, one must take the descriptive view into the mind and not the prescriptive view. The hype cycle method gives a general overview of how technology is expected to grow and evolve over a given period of time, and this helps businesses work towards their business goals. It helps to identify how technologies are relevant as far as finding solutions to real world business problems are concerned. But how can we differentiate between what is really commercially viable and what is not? This is where Gartner’s Hype Cycle representation comes into play. While some of these technologies produce the results claimed, others may just not work. What happens is that as we move along in time, several new technologies come up and make huge claims. The life cycle stages in Hype Circle are used by these companies are points of references in both marketing as well as technology reporting. Several businesses and industries across the world make use of Hype Circle representation to make decisions regarding technology and business operations on the basis of the comfort factor as well as the risk they are willing to take on. The Hype Cycle is a proper and established tool that was created by an IT consultancy and research company called ‘ Gartner’.

    gartner hype cycle 2015 big data

    The Term ‘Hype Cycle’ is used to refer to a graphical representation of the stages of the life cycle of technology that starts from its birth to its maturity and finally to its widespread usage and adoption. We will explain 1) what the hype cycle is, 2) what the hype cycle stages are and how they work, 3) some progressive business models according to Gartner, and 4) some real life applications. In this article, you will learn everything about Gartner’s Hype Cycle.

    Gartner hype cycle 2015 big data